Masuk Daftar

wrap up artinya

contoh kalimat "wrap up"
  • I've got orders to wrap up the operation here.
    Aku diperintah untuk Menutup operasi di sini.
  • Miss Urbana Sprawl wrapping up on the great stage.
    Nona Urbana Sprawl tampil di panggung besar.
  • If we get wrapped up in a violent battle again
    Jika kita terlibat lagi dalam peperangan
  • I mean, all my time is wrapped up with Marco.
    Maksudku, semua masaku habis untuk Marco.
  • Get her wrapped up and ready to haul out of here.
    Siapkan jenazahnya dan angkut keatas.
  • Eating gold bricks wrapped up in, you know, swans.
    Makan batangan emas yang dibungkus, tahulah, angsa.
  • Dr. Cahill wrapped up a 30-hour shift.
    Dr Cahill baru selesai menjalankan 30 jam shift kerjanya.
  • You are all wrapped up, how can I see?
    Seluruh badanmu tertutup, bagaimana saya bisa melihat?
  • And I'm sure tanner would love to wrap up
    Dan aku yakin Tanner akan senang meringkas
  • I gather you want this all wrapped up soonest.
    Aku yakin kau ingin semuanya cepat selesai.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata kerja
  • clothe, as if for protection from the elements; "cover your head!"
    Sinonim: cover,

  • form a cylinder by rolling; "roll up a banner"
    Sinonim: roll up,

  • finish a task completely; "I finally got through this homework assignment"
    Sinonim: get through, finish off, mop up, polish off, clear up, finish up,

  • arrange or fold as a cover or protection; "wrap the baby before taking her out"; "Wrap the present"
    Sinonim: wrap,